Monday, August 22, 2022



Luke 18:1-8

The unjust judge refused to do justice to the widow that begged him to vindicate her. But she kept on asking him to do justice to her against her adversaries.


The judge did not fear God and he was known to be unkind to people but because of her importunity he eventually gave in to her plea. 

Jesus compared this story to the life of prayer. He explained it as follows: if the unjust judge eventually answered the widow and vindicated her, how much more will God do justice to his friends who cry out to him day and night.


The point of the story is that we should never stop praying and not be discouraged. God will vindicate us and show us justice. God will even speed up the process and judge in our favour because we are His friends.

Jesus called the disciples His friends and qualified it as those who listen to His word and do what He asks them to do.


I don’t know what you are facing, but today I want to encourage you that God is a just Judge and He hears you when you call on Him for justice.

‘Il faut toujours prier et ne pas se decourager.’ Men ought always to pray and not become discouraged.


I ask the Lord to do justice in your case and to vindicate you. He will deal with your adversaries. 

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