Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Sweet Potato Communion

Holy Sweet Potato Communion
January 2012

Harvester Uganda
It has been agreed in principle that Richard Ssendi will head up Harvester International Ministries in Uganda. This includes the school for Aids & War Orphans that he started outside Kampala. There are 260 children, 150 primary and 110 secondary students in the school. Richard purchased property and built a school for the secondary students and rents an empty school for the primary school purposes that includes a hall. We will utilise the hall for conferences and seminars. That way we will save venue costs. We can also use the classrooms for accommodation for the conferences and the kitchen to make food. 

We need to pay the registration fee ($1 200) to register the name of the Church under Harvester officially. Richard has brought the entire operation under the wings of Harvester. We would like to purchase the ground and the school from him and help to support him until the school becomes a financially viable proposition. When there are 400 students the school will be a profitable institution providing salaries for staff and food for children.

Annual Conference
I spoke at Nelson Kabuuka’s Annual Conference in Exodus Church; Kampala like I have done the past two years in January.

This time I sensed a fresh anointing on my singing and preaching and others testified accordingly. My prophetic acting of ‘Three degrees of Unity’ really got through to the hearts and minds of the delegates at the conference and the presence of the Lord became tangibly real.

Sweet Potato Prophetic Act
I took cooked sweet potatoes of different colours and sizes and began to peel them. Then I showed how they have unity in the fact that they are sweet potatoes, and they are all the same white colour after being peeled, but they still differ in size. The one is bigger than the other; the one is more important than the other. The little ones are ignored.

So, I sliced them up and suddenly no one knew the big one from the small one anymore! They were all the same size. But there was still not perfect unity. They were still separated.

Then I took a mortar and pestle and mashed the sweet potatoes into a thick porridge. Then I asked, ‘where is the big potato now?’ It showed perfect unity!

I ran through the audience and fed them the cooked by hand. They all agreed that it tasted good! Sweet potatoes are part of the staple diet in Uganda.

The sweet potatoes submitted to the process of peeling, cutting, and mashing. When they became one, I could feed the people.

There are three degrees of unity: unity of spirit, when we worship and praise together; unity of faith that comes as the result of the same frequency of preaching of the Word of God; and lastly the unity Jesus prayed for: perfect in one: ‘Father let them be one in us as we are one, I in you and you in me, them in us and us in them.’ (John 17) At that stage the unity will manifest the full measure of the stature of Christ in our midst. There is no schism in such unity.

Then people who come into the meeting will taste and see that the Lord is good! They will be convicted in their hearts that God is in that place. They will be fed with Manna from heaven.

Someone shouted as I fed the people in the conference: ‘we are having holy sweet potato communion today!’
Some people in church only enjoy unity in spirit when we worship in spirit and truth. Then there are those who begin to realize that unity in faith is important instead of everyone having their own opinion and own interpretation of the word. But only those who submit completely to the work of the Holy Spirit that makes them die to self and become one with the body will enjoy the sweetness of the presence of the Lord and become spiritual nourishment to others. This has to do with suffering for Christ and the Gospel’s sake as well. The suffering is represented by the peeling and mashing.

The degree of unity determines the degree of manifestation of the stature of Christ in a body of believers. Let us go on to perfection, spirits of just men made perfect, aligning ourselves with the Church of the Firstborn, the New Jerusalem, Mt. Zion, where Jesus is the Mediator of the New and Better Covenant (Hebrews 12:20-22)

I ministered many times and they tried to film it in the darkened tin shanty hall, and I will soon have the DVDs available. I believe it was a significant time for all those who attended the conference and for the church people.

Some said, ‘Andre loves us; that’s why he comes back to us. He has become a father to us. He speaks to us like a father. Many of us have no father; God sent him to be a father to us.’ Others said, ‘we learned so much in this conference, we are taking it home with us to our people to teach them what we have learned.’

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